Customized Coaching Programs

Initially, Schwartz Consulting Group, Inc., sets up an introductory, no obligation consultation between the doctor and Mr. Schwartz. This consultation is to get acquainted and get an understanding of the doctor's business goals, philosophy, and concerns. To proceed, a practice evaluation would be given to establish a more in-depth look at the staffing, systems, procedures, and the business concepts of the practice.

Once the evaluation is complete, Mr. Schwartz will set up a consultation to ask and answer questions, along with discussing his findings and concerns. A customized training program will then be developed for your practice. Training dates will be set for Mr. Schwartz to come to your office and begin implementation of your customized program to get you on the path toward achieving the goals you have set for your practice.

The training is implemented in your office to eliminate the cost of staff travel. Mr. Schwartz will typically come to your office for two to three days and several times over the course of the year, depending on the program and need of the practice. The in-office coaching program is to personally train and implement the systems, which may include:

  • Recall
  • Goal Setting and Accountability
  • Job Stewardship
  • Bonus Systems and Team Building
  • Case Presentation and Verbal Skills
  • Scheduling Concepts
  • Delayed Treatment Systems
  • Reducing Accounts Receivable
  • Cancellation and No Show Systems
  • Financial Agreements and Options for Patients
  • Marketing Training for the Team
  • Team Building and Motivation
  • Bonus Systems
  • Office Problem Solving

Schwartz Consulting Group, Inc., works as a mentor, coach, and friend to help make your practice a success. Let Schwartz Consulting Group, Inc., alleviate your stress by implementing systems in your practice today!

Call 800.785.3004 today for more information and a practice evaluation survey.